we had 9 girls reply so we're going to start with a group of 5 and a group of 4.
we will probably mix the groups after a few cycles. my guess is that the coupons will get old quick and some people may decide to drop out of the exchange.
there main things to know are that when you receive the envelope, you MUST get it back in the mail after removing & replacing coupons within 72 hours.
additionally, we need to address expired coupons. does anyone's store accept them? if so, we'll move them to the back of the pile. if not, we will have people remove them as they expire. we don't want to pay to mail coupons that aren't doing anyone good.
first group: april, corey, sara, sara, stacey. second group: tracy, jenn, chrissie, robin
i will pm the addresses later tonight. the first person on the list will be in charge of packaging up the first group of coupons and getting them in the mail by THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19TH!
any questions, please let me know. look for updates in this thread (i'm SURE i forgot something).
Ok I dont have tons of coupons to start. I thought corey was going to originally start the mailing with her excess.
tracy, she is sending me hers and i'm adding to that to start our side.
honestly, there are probably going to be so many between the 2 of us (i have hundreds here waiting to go out), that maybe i can do some sort of split of them and send out the first envelope for both lists.
anyone object to that?
if it's ok with everyone, i will split them and send out the first batch for list 2 to tracy and then it can just continue with those 4. and i'll start the first list's envelope too.
and remember to check magazines as well. if you get parents/parenting for instance they sometimes have the sesame street snacks coupons on there. Keegan eats those since most of the gerber have whey (milk) in them and he is allergic. i love those coupons!! :D
Ok I dont have tons of coupons to start. I thought corey was going to originally start the mailing with her excess.
i think the issue was, tracey, that we didn't realize 9 people would want to participate...if 9 people each take 2-3 days before they mail them out, plus mailing time, we would only be getting them like once every couple months. that is why april said we would probably start with these groups and mix it up after awhile.
thanks april. I dont mean to be a pitb. I just dont want people upset because I only have a few to start with and switch.
i don't think anyone would be upset about that tracey!
i think the main reason april and i are in the same group is that say i mailed out 300 coupons to you, then you added 5 and the next person added 5...i would have basically paid shipping of (it cost me $2.07 if anyone is interested) to get back almost all my own.
i think her idea of splitting some up and helping your group is good...i know i for one had multiples of some.
Thanks so much april. Is the address list in with the coupons or will you pm that?
i'm going to pm that.
sorry for the delay - it's the end of the quarter at school and i've been grading out the azz. hoping to get this out tonight. if not, definitely tomorrow since my grades are due in the morning.