The concert I saw last night (Billy Bragg) was so fantastic.
He's a british Bob Dylan-ish singer. We've been fans forever. It was one of the first tapes (lmao) Mike had me listen to when we started dating (15 yrs ago - gasp).
It was SUCH a good show. It was just him and his guitars and he was an absolutely wonderful entertainer.
Josie threw up at supper last night so she's home with me today. No fever (her temp is slightly up but still isn't up to normal persons normal (we run cold)).
Charlie just announced that he has a spot in his eye, right in the middle, white with red that he's had for a while.
Koda has decided he MUST...MUST have Rocky from Thomas the Train this past weekend. He has pretended to be SIlly Simon who breaks down in the mud all weekend and I have to pretend to be Rocky and pick him up.
I thought he had outgrown Thomas and I'm secretly thrilled he hasn't. I will take Thomas over electronics or other toys in a heartbeat. He actually pretend plays with his train.
And on a similar line, he has just figured out the difference betweeen Thomas and generic trains and suddenly NEEDS the Thomas ones. Freaking expensive.
I'm trying to get Tristen into Koda's preK beginning January. He would barely be old enough, but I think we would have fun. And I did the math, I would spend the same as I do on his babysitter right now, and his babysitter is only on Mondays while Koda is at school...I would be getting a "bonus" two extra days of him being cared for.
No idea if a family will drop, or if they will take him. He actually is ahead of where Koda was when Koda started, but I'm worried if he could settle down for circle time, follow directions...but I think he would catch on pretty quickly.
Best concert was defintiely Aerosmith when I was a senior in high school. I had amazing seats and backstage passes, no concert has ever compared (not that I have been to all that many)
Sara I'm sorry your day is so awful already. I wish I could come help you with your kids. (((Hugs)))
I can't possible count how many concerts I have been to - starting with Adam and the Ants in, I think, 1983.
Probably my all time fave is Depeche mode - seen them at least a dozen times and Dave Gahan is such a great performer, the sound is excellent - yup, love them!