i REALLY need a good deal on PSPs. Don and I went to game stop for look for used ones, but they were only $20 cheaper than buying brand new! Don said since its only $20 he'd rather pay full price and get them new.
Also looking for a good deal on IPod Nano and Nintendo DS Lite.
I've budgeted full price for everything, but if I could find some good deals that'd be GREAT.
I heard WalMart will stay open all night thanksgiving night and will allow people to line to line up by the things they want in an effort to prevent the craziness, but idt i really want to go wait in line for hours, kwim? of course if the deal is right....
I'm keeping my eye on the Fisher Price Jeep rubicon power wheels. It's the shared big gift for the kids. They are $269.99 at TRU. Right now they have $5 flat rate shipping which would save like $45 but that's only good until tomorrow and the big gift isn't in my budget yet. So if anyone sees a good deal on that please let me know. I'll keep my eye out for what others are looking for too! :)
Sam has a Zune and the monthly membership to their marketplace so we can add one for her for free and she will get all the music she could possibly want. It just needs to be cheap. ($75-$90 range) We are on supersmallbudget this year.
IHNI what I am getting Emma (6) and Lily. I guess whatever I can score a deal on. Em would LOVE a ds but I just don't see that happening.
It keeps coming down at Kohls, to around $40, but I know it's gone to $20, so I'm having a hard time paying anything more than that for it, lol. It's normally around $70 from them, and $99 from anywhere else.
It keeps coming down at Kohls, to around $40, but I know it's gone to $20, so I'm having a hard time paying anything more than that for it, lol. It's normally around $70 from them, and $99 from anywhere else.
Kaylin wants this too, but there is no way I'm paying anywhere near full price. We had an old one from a garage sale and she played with it lots, even missing all the seats and stuff. The only drawback is that it's so darn big!
I have no idea what I'm getting the girls this year
I have bought the baby alive "make me better" doll, or something like that. It has a stethescope and some other things in there and SG I know will love that. She's said she wants the strawberry shortcake doll, the one you do a make-over on, not sure what it's called.
I have NO idea for Presley. So Kelly, you and I can stink together, lol