We are planning our first roadtrip with the kids and I'm looking into things that will keep them occupied as we will be in the truck longer than they have ever been (and if Jake tries to take Kate's nose less than 100 miles from this house we are turning around!!!)
Anyway - I know nothing about these. Do you have one? Which ones are good? How much is reasonable?
Should I get one with 1 screen or 2? Kate doesn't even watch tv but for 5 minutes at a time so I'm thinking of getting a single screen for Jake to hold in his lap. I'm also thinking of moving those 2 apart and sitting b/w them most of the time.
mine is about 3 years old - i like that the screen is quite bigger than the iphone/touch. you just slide the DVD in on the side, and you see there is a little leg in the back that pops out so you can rest it on a table. and yes, cecile and clara can rest it in their laps.
what is nice also is there are 2 headphone plugs, so both cecile and clara can watch at the same time.
it's primarily for travel, but it comes handy for ME to watch DVD's at night - sometimes bert will want to sleep and i don't want the TV to bother him, so i just lay in bed with my headphones and watch a TV DVD show then put it on the floor by the side of the bed when i get sleepy.
also handy because it comes with one of those red/white/yellow TV cables, so if we travel to a hotel, i just plug it into the hotel TV and the kids can watch DVDs on the TV screen. (we used it in italy last week as all the tv was in italian, not english or french)
Stop at malls instead of restaurants, most have play areas or rides and you don't have to wrestle them into seat after long drive
Stop at at least one playground
Buy a travel potty - and bring toilet paper- this saved us in Maine where there can be 30 mins between exits
Have a bag of new toys that you can give out hourly - even dollar store junk - cars, animals, stickers, window markers, a white board, etc worked for us
If you need a pack n play at hotel, our hotels never sent baby sized blankets
Clorox wipes for hotel room
Plug covers for hotel - even just a few. Plugs are really accessible in hotel room
Pack a seperate bag for hotel - think this out ahead of time - it will save you from unpacking the whole car which is a nightmare - pjs. Change of clothes, swim stuff etc
Get sippy cups for the car even if your kids do not use them
We have a cheapie portable DVD player from Target. It's an audiovox. The DVD player and the screen are all one unit so you don't open it and then it has velcro straps to attach it to the headrest.
I started picking up different things yesterday at Target to pass out during the trip plus a new movie to watch. I probably should go to the dollar store because I spent a lot at Target on the few things I got (they were bigger and hopefully more attention grabbing!!!).
I started picking up different things yesterday at Target to pass out during the trip plus a new movie to watch. I probably should go to the dollar store because I spent a lot at Target on the few things I got (they were bigger and hopefully more attention grabbing!!!).
We are planning our first roadtrip with the kids and I'm looking into things that will keep them occupied as we will be in the truck longer than they have ever been (and if Jake tries to take Kate's nose less than 100 miles from this house we are turning around!!!)
Anyway - I know nothing about these. Do you have one? Which ones are good? How much is reasonable?
Should I get one with 1 screen or 2? Kate doesn't even watch tv but for 5 minutes at a time so I'm thinking of getting a single screen for Jake to hold in his lap. I'm also thinking of moving those 2 apart and sitting b/w them most of the time.
We are planning our first roadtrip with the kids and I'm looking into things that will keep them occupied as we will be in the truck longer than they have ever been (and if Jake tries to take Kate's nose less than 100 miles from this house we are turning around!!!)
Anyway - I know nothing about these. Do you have one? Which ones are good? How much is reasonable?
Should I get one with 1 screen or 2? Kate doesn't even watch tv but for 5 minutes at a time so I'm thinking of getting a single screen for Jake to hold in his lap. I'm also thinking of moving those 2 apart and sitting b/w them most of the time.
where are y'all going, Louisiana???
that wasn't were we intended to go but now that I think about it it's not such a bad idea . . . I hear you cook up a mean mess of food!!!!!!
We are planning our first roadtrip with the kids and I'm looking into things that will keep them occupied as we will be in the truck longer than they have ever been (and if Jake tries to take Kate's nose less than 100 miles from this house we are turning around!!!)
Anyway - I know nothing about these. Do you have one? Which ones are good? How much is reasonable?
Should I get one with 1 screen or 2? Kate doesn't even watch tv but for 5 minutes at a time so I'm thinking of getting a single screen for Jake to hold in his lap. I'm also thinking of moving those 2 apart and sitting b/w them most of the time.
where are y'all going, Louisiana???
that wasn't were we intended to go but now that I think about it it's not such a bad idea . . . I hear you cook up a mean mess of food!!!!!!
We have one that straps onto the head rests, and has two screens. They have to watch the same thing, but that is usually fine with them, and Bill and I typically pick anyway because somethings we just can't stand listening to.
It wasn't terribly expensive-we got it at Target-but I bought the extended warranty for like $20 more just to be covered. I have known a few people who have had trouble with them.
We don't use it often though because my girls, Anna especially, are prone to car sickness and watching TV does not help with that. But on the way to the beach, it was a lifesaver.
IDK what kind ours is though-I'd have to check. We have been happy about it, and like I said, it didn't break the bank.
I started picking up different things yesterday at Target to pass out during the trip plus a new movie to watch. I probably should go to the dollar store because I spent a lot at Target on the few things I got (they were bigger and hopefully more attention grabbing!!!).