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Post Info TOPIC: So, just to compound the issue a bit more...


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Posts: 5883
Date: Nov 2, 2009
So, just to compound the issue a bit more...

We just went to the pedi again tonight because Kate's fever returned (sinus infection, tonsils infected, and possible strep-they didn't test because she was treating her anyway for the other things).

Anyway, the pedi said that she saw a girl who had H1N1 in March and just got is AGAIN.  She said kids under 10 can get it more than once.  Apparently they don't always build up enough antibodies from it or something.  (though is it possible it was a different strain?  IHNI)

Fabulous.  Just great.  Just what I needed-more to worry about!!!



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Posts: 5514
Date: Nov 2, 2009

That was why we got the vaccine,lol.

This winter is just going to suck!

We have even more kids out today from school then we did last week.

I hope Kate feels better soon.



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Posts: 1694
Date: Nov 3, 2009

my thought is that since they pretty much are NOT testing for the actual H1N1, and are just assuming that "all" cases are hat, i am betting that people are often getting a mixture of the regular flu and h1n1, thus twice.

they have said all along that they are different and thus the reason people should get two different vaccines this year.

i mean, the "normal" flu didnt just disappear... and we can't forget that the "normal" flu kills over 35,000 Americans each year - AND to be fair and acurate that needs to be considered into the count when determining the actual h1n1 deaths.

anyone but me find it slightly hypocritical that when they are scaring us with h1n1 death figures they are counting "all" flu deaths as h1n1 (i am reaching this conclusion based on the fact they pretty much stopped specifically testing for h1n1 last spring), YET when they are counting possible side efects from the h1n1 vaccine they are not counting ANY serious ones because is can't be specifically attributed....

things that make you go hhmmm....



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Posts: 5514
Date: Nov 3, 2009

muffy wrote:

my thought is that since they pretty much are NOT testing for the actual H1N1, and are just assuming that "all" cases are hat, i am betting that people are often getting a mixture of the regular flu and h1n1, thus twice.

they have said all along that they are different and thus the reason people should get two different vaccines this year.

i mean, the "normal" flu didnt just disappear... and we can't forget that the "normal" flu kills over 35,000 Americans each year - AND to be fair and acurate that needs to be considered into the count when determining the actual h1n1 deaths.

anyone but me find it slightly hypocritical that when they are scaring us with h1n1 death figures they are counting "all" flu deaths as h1n1 (i am reaching this conclusion based on the fact they pretty much stopped specifically testing for h1n1 last spring), YET when they are counting possible side efects from the h1n1 vaccine they are not counting ANY serious ones because is can't be specifically attributed....

things that make you go hhmmm....


Here they have not stopped testing. The State here is now requiring it to be tested and a report sent to the health dept. if Tamaflu was given or a vaccine. It is not that the regular seasonal flu disappeared. It typically runs from Dec and on. There are set patterns every year. The death toll that you say is scaring us is because so far it has killed something like 76 kids and normally per flu season the number of kids that die is around 45-88. So, that is some of where the hype comes from. I am pretty sure if a person dies they are tested to conclude what the cause of death was. They are not just assuming. I should hope not at least.

No doubt the media is just making this all much worse, but honestly unless you are witnessing it first hand then I am not sure you can really say. I work in a school and the school next door has over 85 kids out and our # is rising. This is not the normal flu that comes every year. I have been in a school for 10 years and have not seen it happen like this.

So, I have mixed feelings on it. I guess if someone is in an area and not hearing/seeing these kids it may all seem made up. I do not know.




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Date: Nov 3, 2009

muffy wrote:

my thought is that since they pretty much are NOT testing for the actual H1N1, and are just assuming that "all" cases are hat, i am betting that people are often getting a mixture of the regular flu and h1n1, thus twice.

they have said all along that they are different and thus the reason people should get two different vaccines this year.

i mean, the "normal" flu didnt just disappear... and we can't forget that the "normal" flu kills over 35,000 Americans each year - AND to be fair and acurate that needs to be considered into the count when determining the actual h1n1 deaths.

anyone but me find it slightly hypocritical that when they are scaring us with h1n1 death figures they are counting "all" flu deaths as h1n1 (i am reaching this conclusion based on the fact they pretty much stopped specifically testing for h1n1 last spring), YET when they are counting possible side efects from the h1n1 vaccine they are not counting ANY serious ones because is can't be specifically attributed....

things that make you go hhmmm....


Megan, I agree with you.  They use the death data to their advantage, and hide the vax data.  Just not right.

They aren't testing here.  They are assuming.  The pedi even said that.  I have been telling people here (like at the preschool) that Kate tested positive for type A flu, and everyone (including us) is presuming that it is H1N1-but I am not telling people it was H1N1, they just hear flu and think H1N1.  While I have very good reason to suspect it was, since MOST of Anna's class got sick and the director's son came down with it after his vax (he was the first one sick), there is no real way of knowing.  But they just aren't testing for H1N1 here in the majority of cases, and probably all uncomplicated cases. 

Also, we are all hearing different data.  I heard recently (on the Dr. Oz show, I think?) that the deaths so far from H1N1, percentage wise, don't even compare to the number of deaths from seasonal flu in any given flu season, but IDK where that statistic was coming from.  So from what I have been hearing, H1N1 so far has claimed far fewer lives than seasonal usually does.  It seems to be one of those things where the numbers don't always add up-people use the same numbers to show different things.

I honestly think it is just earlier than we expected.  Usually by the time seasonal hits, most of the kids in the preschool have had a flu shot, and fewer kids get sick.  Hardly anyone has had a flu shot (the seasonal clinics have barely started, let alone the H1N1!), and even those who have or are getting the H1N1 seem to be getting sick anyway-at least I personally know that out of the maybe 10 people I know in my area who have gotten the vax, 3 of those came down with the flu.  I don't remember seeing those numbers with the seasonal flu shot-maybe it is because people have only had one dose, IDK.

Melissa, I am not at all trying to downplay what is going on in your school.  I mean, more than HALF of Anna's class has been sick, most of those with flu-like symptoms and had to be out a week from school.  And it is not fun, no question about it.  But so far here, the kids have come through it fine.  And the CDC's findings have shown that the majority of the children who have died from H1N1 had underlying medical problems.  I would imagine that is the same population that is at high risk with the seasonal flu, no?

I don't think H1N1 is really much different from seasonal flu.  We just weren't prepared for it and it is hitting earlier than we thought.  Makes me take the threat of seasonal flu more seriously though.  It was always an after thought for me, but now all of this is in the forefront of my mind.



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Posts: 5514
Date: Nov 3, 2009

Supafly wrote:


muffy wrote:

my thought is that since they pretty much are NOT testing for the actual H1N1, and are just assuming that "all" cases are hat, i am betting that people are often getting a mixture of the regular flu and h1n1, thus twice.

they have said all along that they are different and thus the reason people should get two different vaccines this year.

i mean, the "normal" flu didnt just disappear... and we can't forget that the "normal" flu kills over 35,000 Americans each year - AND to be fair and acurate that needs to be considered into the count when determining the actual h1n1 deaths.

anyone but me find it slightly hypocritical that when they are scaring us with h1n1 death figures they are counting "all" flu deaths as h1n1 (i am reaching this conclusion based on the fact they pretty much stopped specifically testing for h1n1 last spring), YET when they are counting possible side efects from the h1n1 vaccine they are not counting ANY serious ones because is can't be specifically attributed....

things that make you go hhmmm....


Megan, I agree with you.  They use the death data to their advantage, and hide the vax data.  Just not right.

They aren't testing here.  They are assuming.  The pedi even said that.  I have been telling people here (like at the preschool) that Kate tested positive for type A flu, and everyone (including us) is presuming that it is H1N1-but I am not telling people it was H1N1, they just hear flu and think H1N1.  While I have very good reason to suspect it was, since MOST of Anna's class got sick and the director's son came down with it after his vax (he was the first one sick), there is no real way of knowing.  But they just aren't testing for H1N1 here in the majority of cases, and probably all uncomplicated cases. 

Also, we are all hearing different data.  I heard recently (on the Dr. Oz show, I think?) that the deaths so far from H1N1, percentage wise, don't even compare to the number of deaths from seasonal flu in any given flu season, but IDK where that statistic was coming from.  So from what I have been hearing, H1N1 so far has claimed far fewer lives than seasonal usually does.  It seems to be one of those things where the numbers don't always add up-people use the same numbers to show different things.

I honestly think it is just earlier than we expected.  Usually by the time seasonal hits, most of the kids in the preschool have had a flu shot, and fewer kids get sick.  Hardly anyone has had a flu shot (the seasonal clinics have barely started, let alone the H1N1!), and even those who have or are getting the H1N1 seem to be getting sick anyway-at least I personally know that out of the maybe 10 people I know in my area who have gotten the vax, 3 of those came down with the flu.  I don't remember seeing those numbers with the seasonal flu shot-maybe it is because people have only had one dose, IDK.

Melissa, I am not at all trying to downplay what is going on in your school.  I mean, more than HALF of Anna's class has been sick, most of those with flu-like symptoms and had to be out a week from school.  And it is not fun, no question about it.  But so far here, the kids have come through it fine.  And the CDC's findings have shown that the majority of the children who have died from H1N1 had underlying medical problems.  I would imagine that is the same population that is at high risk with the seasonal flu, no?

I don't think H1N1 is really much different from seasonal flu.  We just weren't prepared for it and it is hitting earlier than we thought.  Makes me take the threat of seasonal flu more seriously though.  It was always an after thought for me, but now all of this is in the forefront of my mind.


It is not that I think it is extremely different from the seasonal flu, but like you said most people vaccinate for the seasonal flu. That is why they were pushing the vaccine. I do not think people realize how many get the flu shot early. To me that shows how it can help. I mean this vaccine does not protect kids on the first shot, so the vaccine does not get them sick with the flu, they just caught the flu. That is the part I am confused on?

I personally do not think that this is just the seasonal flu. I am not sure how to convince anyone or if they even want to be. My Dr. is testing and tracking so I can tell you on my end it is not a shot in the dark as to what flu this is. Normally people do not even vaccinate seasonal flu till late Oct. So it is not a matter of people vaccinated later for the seasonal.

They also have said all along this is hitting children the hardest and especially those with weakened immune systems. That is not new.




Status: Offline
Posts: 5514
Date: Nov 3, 2009

another thing I find interesting is that this has only been around for 5 months. If the truth was that this has not had as many deaths as the seasonal type A flu then how can we know? We are not even sure how long this runs? It started in Mexico in what, april? So, I am not sure how that can true in terms of total deaths compared to seasonal.

I am not sure where the data all comes from and like this vaccine, every Dr. has an opinion.

Also, at least in my experience with the flu and in years past with the kids here. The flu has not knocked them out for such long  periods as this strain has. That is where I see the difference. I cannot tell you how many kids are better one day, down the next, etc. a week later sick again from secondary issues. It is really hitting the youngs immune system if you ask me. That is where I see it being different in a sense.

I had to come back and add this. I hope you do not think I am some H1N1 freak,lol. I guess I do not think this is some conspiracy theory. I think that there are most likely many factors involved. I guess what troubles me is that with the seaonal flu in years past it has not caused those that have asthma and that to be out over a week. I mean sure the seasonal flu is worse on the elderly, immune compromised. However, so far that is not the case with this strain. That I guess is what makes me go hmmm.

-- Edited by CoffeeQueen on Tuesday 3rd of November 2009 10:12:24 AM



Status: Offline
Posts: 7138
Date: Nov 3, 2009

CoffeeQueen wrote:

That was why we got the vaccine,lol.

This winter is just going to suck!

We have even more kids out today from school then we did last week.

I hope Kate feels better soon.

just for the record, that doesn't mean y'all can't get it, and get it more than once




Status: Offline
Posts: 7138
Date: Nov 3, 2009

CoffeeQueen wrote:

another thing I find interesting is that this has only been around for 5 months. If the truth was that this has not had as many deaths as the seasonal type A flu then how can we know? We are not even sure how long this runs? It started in Mexico in what, april? So, I am not sure how that can true in terms of total deaths compared to seasonal.

I am not sure where the data all comes from and like this vaccine, every Dr. has an opinion.

Also, at least in my experience with the flu and in years past with the kids here. The flu has not knocked them out for such long  periods as this strain has. That is where I see the difference. I cannot tell you how many kids are better one day, down the next, etc. a week later sick again from secondary issues. It is really hitting the youngs immune system if you ask me. That is where I see it being different in a sense.

I had to come back and add this. I hope you do not think I am some H1N1 freak,lol. I guess I do not think this is some conspiracy theory. I think that there are most likely many factors involved. I guess what troubles me is that with the seaonal flu in years past it has not caused those that have asthma and that to be out over a week. I mean sure the seasonal flu is worse on the elderly, immune compromised. However, so far that is not the case with this strain. That I guess is what makes me go hmmm.

-- Edited by CoffeeQueen on Tuesday 3rd of November 2009 10:12:24 AM

I'm just a tad bit confused with your thinking here, so help me out.

Are you saying that kids with asthma don't usually stay down for a week with the seasonal flu? 

And about the're wondering why this H1N1 isn't affecting them like it's affecting the young?




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Posts: 5514
Date: Nov 3, 2009

Juanita wrote:


CoffeeQueen wrote:

That was why we got the vaccine,lol.

This winter is just going to suck!

We have even more kids out today from school then we did last week.

I hope Kate feels better soon.

just for the record, that doesn't mean y'all can't get it, and get it more than once



That was a joke. I added the lol . I was just being silly.



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Posts: 7138
Date: Nov 3, 2009

Supafly wrote:

We just went to the pedi again tonight because Kate's fever returned (sinus infection, tonsils infected, and possible strep-they didn't test because she was treating her anyway for the other things).

Anyway, the pedi said that she saw a girl who had H1N1 in March and just got is AGAIN.  She said kids under 10 can get it more than once.  Apparently they don't always build up enough antibodies from it or something.  (though is it possible it was a different strain?  IHNI)

Fabulous.  Just great.  Just what I needed-more to worry about!!!

 Poor Kate smile  I'm sorry she's sick again. 

How are you doing with what we talked about yesterday?  You can pm me if you want.  Sorry I haven't sent you what I said I was, but as you saw on facebook, I had a whale of a morning, lol

Then to top it off, I've got a fever today, so I guess I picked up something in the dang ER



Status: Offline
Posts: 7138
Date: Nov 3, 2009

CoffeeQueen wrote:

Juanita wrote:


CoffeeQueen wrote:

That was why we got the vaccine,lol.

This winter is just going to suck!

We have even more kids out today from school then we did last week.

I hope Kate feels better soon.

just for the record, that doesn't mean y'all can't get it, and get it more than once



That was a joke. I added the lol . I was just being silly.

 sorry.  my feverish brain didn't catch it, lol



Status: Offline
Posts: 5514
Date: Nov 3, 2009

Juanita wrote:


CoffeeQueen wrote:

another thing I find interesting is that this has only been around for 5 months. If the truth was that this has not had as many deaths as the seasonal type A flu then how can we know? We are not even sure how long this runs? It started in Mexico in what, april? So, I am not sure how that can true in terms of total deaths compared to seasonal.

I am not sure where the data all comes from and like this vaccine, every Dr. has an opinion.

Also, at least in my experience with the flu and in years past with the kids here. The flu has not knocked them out for such long  periods as this strain has. That is where I see the difference. I cannot tell you how many kids are better one day, down the next, etc. a week later sick again from secondary issues. It is really hitting the youngs immune system if you ask me. That is where I see it being different in a sense.

I had to come back and add this. I hope you do not think I am some H1N1 freak,lol. I guess I do not think this is some conspiracy theory. I think that there are most likely many factors involved. I guess what troubles me is that with the seaonal flu in years past it has not caused those that have asthma and that to be out over a week. I mean sure the seasonal flu is worse on the elderly, immune compromised. However, so far that is not the case with this strain. That I guess is what makes me go hmmm.

-- Edited by CoffeeQueen on Tuesday 3rd of November 2009 10:12:24 AM

I'm just a tad bit confused with your thinking here, so help me out.

Are you saying that kids with asthma don't usually stay down for a week with the seasonal flu? 

And about the're wondering why this H1N1 isn't affecting them like it's affecting the young?



In what I have been witnessing. Even those who are not immune compromised are being hit hard (young kids.) Also, yes - I am seeing it have longer then normal effects on those who do have asthma, etc. I know the seasonal flu is deadly, but on a whole here it seems to have been worse then the 10 years I have seen with just seasonal flu. This is just in this months period.




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Posts: 5514
Date: Nov 3, 2009

Juanita wrote:


CoffeeQueen wrote:


Juanita wrote:


CoffeeQueen wrote:

That was why we got the vaccine,lol.

This winter is just going to suck!

We have even more kids out today from school then we did last week.

I hope Kate feels better soon.

just for the record, that doesn't mean y'all can't get it, and get it more than once



That was a joke. I added the lol . I was just being silly.

sorry.  my feverish brain didn't catch it, lol


No biggie - I hope you feel better. Are the girls sick too?



Status: Offline
Posts: 7138
Date: Nov 3, 2009

CoffeeQueen wrote:


Juanita wrote:


CoffeeQueen wrote:

another thing I find interesting is that this has only been around for 5 months. If the truth was that this has not had as many deaths as the seasonal type A flu then how can we know? We are not even sure how long this runs? It started in Mexico in what, april? So, I am not sure how that can true in terms of total deaths compared to seasonal.

I am not sure where the data all comes from and like this vaccine, every Dr. has an opinion.

Also, at least in my experience with the flu and in years past with the kids here. The flu has not knocked them out for such long  periods as this strain has. That is where I see the difference. I cannot tell you how many kids are better one day, down the next, etc. a week later sick again from secondary issues. It is really hitting the youngs immune system if you ask me. That is where I see it being different in a sense.

I had to come back and add this. I hope you do not think I am some H1N1 freak,lol. I guess I do not think this is some conspiracy theory. I think that there are most likely many factors involved. I guess what troubles me is that with the seaonal flu in years past it has not caused those that have asthma and that to be out over a week. I mean sure the seasonal flu is worse on the elderly, immune compromised. However, so far that is not the case with this strain. That I guess is what makes me go hmmm.

-- Edited by CoffeeQueen on Tuesday 3rd of November 2009 10:12:24 AM

I'm just a tad bit confused with your thinking here, so help me out.

Are you saying that kids with asthma don't usually stay down for a week with the seasonal flu? 

And about the're wondering why this H1N1 isn't affecting them like it's affecting the young?



In what I have been witnessing. Even those who are not immune compromised are being hit hard (young kids.) Also, yes - I am seeing it have longer then normal effects on those who do have asthma, etc. I know the seasonal flu is deadly, but on a whole here it seems to have been worse then the 10 years I have seen with just seasonal flu. This is just in this months period.


okay, let me explain it to you.

The reason it's hitting the young so hard, and not hitting older adults (and adults my age even) as hard is because the adults have seen it before, some more than others.  Young kids haven't seen this strain before so it hits them harder.

 ETA: so because kids haven't seen this strain, those that are immune compromised are being hit especially hard and it takes them longer to get over it because they don't have the antibodies to fight it

-- Edited by Juanita on Tuesday 3rd of November 2009 10:36:33 AM



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Posts: 7138
Date: Nov 3, 2009

CoffeeQueen wrote:

Juanita wrote:


CoffeeQueen wrote:


Juanita wrote:


CoffeeQueen wrote:

That was why we got the vaccine,lol.

This winter is just going to suck!

We have even more kids out today from school then we did last week.

I hope Kate feels better soon.

just for the record, that doesn't mean y'all can't get it, and get it more than once



That was a joke. I added the lol . I was just being silly.

sorry.  my feverish brain didn't catch it, lol


No biggie - I hope you feel better. Are the girls sick too?

 no, they're fine



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Posts: 3530
Date: Nov 3, 2009

muffy wrote:

my thought is that since they pretty much are NOT testing for the actual H1N1, and are just assuming that "all" cases are hat, i am betting that people are often getting a mixture of the regular flu and h1n1, thus twice.

they have said all along that they are different and thus the reason people should get two different vaccines this year.

i mean, the "normal" flu didnt just disappear... and we can't forget that the "normal" flu kills over 35,000 Americans each year - AND to be fair and acurate that needs to be considered into the count when determining the actual h1n1 deaths.

anyone but me find it slightly hypocritical that when they are scaring us with h1n1 death figures they are counting "all" flu deaths as h1n1 (i am reaching this conclusion based on the fact they pretty much stopped specifically testing for h1n1 last spring), YET when they are counting possible side efects from the h1n1 vaccine they are not counting ANY serious ones because is can't be specifically attributed....

things that make you go hhmmm....


So check this out. My BIL went in to the doctor. He is sick. They do a flu test on him that comes back negative and he is told that he has the swine flu because his symptoms match up so it has to be. And also that there are a lot of false negatives (first time I heard that.) He is now on tamiflu. I just don't get it. Tamiflu is a wonder drug but it seems like it is being handed out like candy - won't that make it less effective AND make the flu more dangerous? I'm totally confused. And why would they say he still has it if the test was negative???




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Posts: 7138
Date: Nov 3, 2009

Juni wrote:

muffy wrote:

my thought is that since they pretty much are NOT testing for the actual H1N1, and are just assuming that "all" cases are hat, i am betting that people are often getting a mixture of the regular flu and h1n1, thus twice.

they have said all along that they are different and thus the reason people should get two different vaccines this year.

i mean, the "normal" flu didnt just disappear... and we can't forget that the "normal" flu kills over 35,000 Americans each year - AND to be fair and acurate that needs to be considered into the count when determining the actual h1n1 deaths.

anyone but me find it slightly hypocritical that when they are scaring us with h1n1 death figures they are counting "all" flu deaths as h1n1 (i am reaching this conclusion based on the fact they pretty much stopped specifically testing for h1n1 last spring), YET when they are counting possible side efects from the h1n1 vaccine they are not counting ANY serious ones because is can't be specifically attributed....

things that make you go hhmmm....


So check this out. My BIL went in to the doctor. He is sick. They do a flu test on him that comes back negative and he is told that he has the swine flu because his symptoms match up so it has to be. And also that there are a lot of false negatives (first time I heard that.) He is now on tamiflu. I just don't get it. Tamiflu is a wonder drug but it seems like it is being handed out like candy - won't that make it less effective AND make the flu more dangerous? I'm totally confused. And why would they say he still has it if the test was negative???


Is this day 1 of him being sick? 



Status: Offline
Posts: 3530
Date: Nov 3, 2009

Juanita wrote:


Juni wrote:


muffy wrote:

my thought is that since they pretty much are NOT testing for the actual H1N1, and are just assuming that "all" cases are hat, i am betting that people are often getting a mixture of the regular flu and h1n1, thus twice.

they have said all along that they are different and thus the reason people should get two different vaccines this year.

i mean, the "normal" flu didnt just disappear... and we can't forget that the "normal" flu kills over 35,000 Americans each year - AND to be fair and acurate that needs to be considered into the count when determining the actual h1n1 deaths.

anyone but me find it slightly hypocritical that when they are scaring us with h1n1 death figures they are counting "all" flu deaths as h1n1 (i am reaching this conclusion based on the fact they pretty much stopped specifically testing for h1n1 last spring), YET when they are counting possible side efects from the h1n1 vaccine they are not counting ANY serious ones because is can't be specifically attributed....

things that make you go hhmmm....


So check this out. My BIL went in to the doctor. He is sick. They do a flu test on him that comes back negative and he is told that he has the swine flu because his symptoms match up so it has to be. And also that there are a lot of false negatives (first time I heard that.) He is now on tamiflu. I just don't get it. Tamiflu is a wonder drug but it seems like it is being handed out like candy - won't that make it less effective AND make the flu more dangerous? I'm totally confused. And why would they say he still has it if the test was negative???


Is this day 1 of him being sick?


No, it wasn't.



Status: Offline
Posts: 7138
Date: Nov 3, 2009

Juni wrote:

Juanita wrote:


Juni wrote:


muffy wrote:

my thought is that since they pretty much are NOT testing for the actual H1N1, and are just assuming that "all" cases are hat, i am betting that people are often getting a mixture of the regular flu and h1n1, thus twice.

they have said all along that they are different and thus the reason people should get two different vaccines this year.

i mean, the "normal" flu didnt just disappear... and we can't forget that the "normal" flu kills over 35,000 Americans each year - AND to be fair and acurate that needs to be considered into the count when determining the actual h1n1 deaths.

anyone but me find it slightly hypocritical that when they are scaring us with h1n1 death figures they are counting "all" flu deaths as h1n1 (i am reaching this conclusion based on the fact they pretty much stopped specifically testing for h1n1 last spring), YET when they are counting possible side efects from the h1n1 vaccine they are not counting ANY serious ones because is can't be specifically attributed....

things that make you go hhmmm....


So check this out. My BIL went in to the doctor. He is sick. They do a flu test on him that comes back negative and he is told that he has the swine flu because his symptoms match up so it has to be. And also that there are a lot of false negatives (first time I heard that.) He is now on tamiflu. I just don't get it. Tamiflu is a wonder drug but it seems like it is being handed out like candy - won't that make it less effective AND make the flu more dangerous? I'm totally confused. And why would they say he still has it if the test was negative???


Is this day 1 of him being sick?


No, it wasn't.

Well, if they tested him for the seasonal flu, which is what they do in the doc's office, those tests don't show H1N1, they only show Type A and Type B.  So, he could have a negative test and still have the flu.

Unless they actually send out and test it, there's no way of confirming it, so they just treat anybody that has symptoms of the flu as having the flu.

There is such things as false negatives though, even with the rapid flu test (the one they do in the doc's office), so bascially they just treat the symptoms.


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