We like to change E's Christmas pictures up a bit every so often and this year I think we are going to do the nightgown route. If I can find pajamas that will actually stay up, I might consider those too, but we have the best luck with nighties for actual use. Truth be told the girl loves to sleep free and natural.
So now I am on the hunt and thought I would see where you all like to get them. I am also thinking about getting bunny slippers or some other fun slippers to match.
normally they are buy two get them for $12.50. I got them also with a %30 off coupon. Got them slippers too. Christmas eve gift, DONE. And, this might be the last year they allow me to coordinate them. lol.
Osh Kosh does have some nice and soft jammies as well as Carters. Gymboree has a few cute ones this year, but did not notice what they had for nightgowns.
I am looking for some cute ones too for the girls, but not nightgowns. If I see anything I will let you know.
I just got back from Target and they had some really cute ones!! I was totally rethinking what I already purchased. If I hadnt dropped WAY more money than I had already intended I would have got some more PJs. (Some people have a shoe fetish, my kids have a PJ fetish totally enabled by me.)
I fell in love with the jammies Leah's Hannah was wearing last year. I went on Gap.com and found the girls and boy's version for super cheap after Christmas so we are set! I'll have to add a picture, but they are striped fleece pants Hannah's are girly colors and Bryson's are primary colors, they match except for the colors, with a shirt with a Christmas tree in matching colors.
I also got Hannah some super cute ones from JC Penny a couple weeks ago, very girly and pretty but not a nightgown, i'll see if I can find them online. Here they are
for those who like gymbo, their jammies are $15 as a jingle deal right now, plus they're 30% off. pretty good for gymbo! i'm planning on picking these 2 pairs up for my kiddos this weekend: