I remember always wanting the pre-packaged costumes, but my mom always made ours. She obviously did a way better job, but I think I wanted certain characters, kwim?
Anyway, my fave was the year she made me this Renaissance dress and hat. She actually made it for me for the RenFest (she used to be in a singing group that performed there), and I loved it SO much I insisted I wear it for Halloween. It had one of those tall cone type hats with the tulle flowing off of the top. The only problem was that there was too much tulle and it eventually bent the hat, lmao.
I remember the packaged costumes when we were kids being so flimsy and plastic-y and nasty, though we didn't really have any stores that sold nice costumes in my town.
I honestly don't remember many of my costumes when I was a kid, but when I was a sophomore in high school, my friends and I dressed up as Grease characters. I was Frenchie I think. We even got a couple of our guy friends to be T-Birds. I can't believe I don't have any pictures of us, but we looked so cute!
i'm like alison - i hardly remember any of my costumes, except the year i went as a "punk rocker." i scanned the pic last year, but i can't find it. i'm looking....
the best costume i ever saw was when i was in high school. a kid went as a used tampon. he made it until 2nd period before he got busted. LMFAO
i'm like alison - i hardly remember any of my costumes, except the year i went as a "punk rocker." i scanned the pic last year, but i can't find it. i'm looking....
the best costume i ever saw was when i was in high school. a kid went as a used tampon. he made it until 2nd period before he got busted. LMFAO
I can't believe someone went as a used tampon!!!! LMAO and EWWWWW!!!!!!
I totally did the punk rocker one year too-that was fun.
And I love the idea of doing Grease characters, ABH-that is so cool!!
i'm like alison - i hardly remember any of my costumes, except the year i went as a "punk rocker." i scanned the pic last year, but i can't find it. i'm looking....
the best costume i ever saw was when i was in high school. a kid went as a used tampon. he made it until 2nd period before he got busted. LMFAO
omg i'll never forget when rob e. came as a used tampon- LMFAO!!!
i have such a horrible memory!!! But I do remember my mom making me a pig costume one year. I don't remember all of it. But I do remember she made the nose from a cup and it was really annoying. But I did win a custume contest at the party we went to!
Like the others I do not remember a ton. The store bought costumes then were cheap and crappy. Like it was literally a flastic hard mask and some cheap plastic that you would wear on the front half. We always made out own costumes or put something together.
I know one year I was a punk rocker, baby, raggedy anne and that is all I remember really.