So the referal for Raymond hadnt gone through at all so they had me call sandiego today. After I hung up with her she called back saying they had a cancellation and booked us for Dec 4.
Now I have appts
Nov 2 - Dermatology (thanks kelly for the reminder)
Nov 4 - wic
Nov 25th - early intervention
Dec 2 early intervention
Dec 4- Sandiego
Aaaannnd I somehow HAVE to get my gastro appt in there somehow as I only have 2 weeks of meds.
You need to get either your PC doc or the GI to give you some samples. If you get in a bind, lmk and I'll see if I can drum up some samples and send them to you-they sometimes will give me some. (no flames, please!! It is the same med-we both use it!)
Lots to get through, but this is good. now just make sure you get your rest and take care of yourself. You have a lot on your plate that you need to stay healthy for!!