I know with Allison I had her on milk by 1 year and off bottles shortly after that.
I just cannot remember how much formula she was on. I have in her records that she was only on 4 oz. That seems odd? Mia is currently drinking 22 oz. I just started adding 1 ounce milk to the bottle. She gets three 5 oz bottles during the day and one 6 ounce one at night.
Do I drop the 4 bottle and give it to her in a sippy?
Can someone refresh my memory. I have googled and get all kinds of answers and formula amounts.
Hmmm...let's see. I know with Anna, she had a bottle in the AM, again before her PM nap, and another at bedtime (not with her in bed-as part of her routine-we have never laid our kids down with bottles). She may have gotten another smaller bottle at some point during the day, but I doubt it. I don't remember exact amounts, but she probably took in around 20ish oz/day at a year.
When we switched her to milk, we did the mixing routine, if I remember correctly. We mixed the milk and formula and then tapered off with the formula. She never had a problem with that, and the reason we did it is because we tried a cold turkey approach and she wouldn't touch the milk. IDR how long it took, but I know we started out reducing the formula by an ounce, and then upped it every few days from there until it was all milk and no formula.
Once we had her switched over to milk all the way, we worked on getting rid of bottles-though I have to say, the timeframe for all of this is sketchy for me at this point. I know the morning bottle was the first to go-we just switched it to a cup cold turkey. Then we got rid of the naptime bottle, and she just dropped that-no substitution with the milk. We didn't get rid of the bedtime bottle until she was like 20 months. We had intended to before that point, but then with having a baby sister, and she had transitioned from 2 naps to 1 right before Kate was born, we didn't want to push it, so we waited. When she finally dropped that one, it was the same as nap-she didnt start taking a cup for that. Even to this day, my girls only drink one cup of milk a day (they eat yogurt and cheese though).
Kate was a similar timeframe for things, though we had her off of all bottles by 15 months. I don't remember as well with her because I didn't care as much, lol. That sounds terrible, but what I mean is that with Anna, I overthought everything because she was my first, and with Kate, I just winged it and figured it would all work out.
Lord help us if we have a third child-I'll be pouring them cow's milk in a cup at a month old and wondering why they can't get the hang of the sippy, lol.
Hmmm...let's see. I know with Anna, she had a bottle in the AM, again before her PM nap, and another at bedtime (not with her in bed-as part of her routine-we have never laid our kids down with bottles). She may have gotten another smaller bottle at some point during the day, but I doubt it. I don't remember exact amounts, but she probably took in around 20ish oz/day at a year.
When we switched her to milk, we did the mixing routine, if I remember correctly. We mixed the milk and formula and then tapered off with the formula. She never had a problem with that, and the reason we did it is because we tried a cold turkey approach and she wouldn't touch the milk. IDR how long it took, but I know we started out reducing the formula by an ounce, and then upped it every few days from there until it was all milk and no formula.
Once we had her switched over to milk all the way, we worked on getting rid of bottles-though I have to say, the timeframe for all of this is sketchy for me at this point. I know the morning bottle was the first to go-we just switched it to a cup cold turkey. Then we got rid of the naptime bottle, and she just dropped that-no substitution with the milk. We didn't get rid of the bedtime bottle until she was like 20 months. We had intended to before that point, but then with having a baby sister, and she had transitioned from 2 naps to 1 right before Kate was born, we didn't want to push it, so we waited. When she finally dropped that one, it was the same as nap-she didnt start taking a cup for that. Even to this day, my girls only drink one cup of milk a day (they eat yogurt and cheese though).
Kate was a similar timeframe for things, though we had her off of all bottles by 15 months. I don't remember as well with her because I didn't care as much, lol. That sounds terrible, but what I mean is that with Anna, I overthought everything because she was my first, and with Kate, I just winged it and figured it would all work out.
Lord help us if we have a third child-I'll be pouring them cow's milk in a cup at a month old and wondering why they can't get the hang of the sippy, lol.
Right, I am so relaxed with Mia. I cannot remember crap though. I wish I took more detailed notes from Allie.
I am doing the whole 1 ounce a week thing with the milk. Next week I will bump it to two ounces a bottle. I need to find a good source for ounces. I am switching pediatricians. I kind of got into it with them with vaccines and they would not work with my adjusted schedule,lol. So, we are moving to another Dr.
I am LMAO oin the cow milk to cup. I would say by your 3rd one that 6 months is a good age,lol.
With Charlie, we were not doing formula but breastmilk. I added a cup of milk around 11 months to his meals - not a replacement for bm but to see what he would do with it.
When he went to daycare at 13 months, he was completely switched to whole milk during the day. I sent sippies of milk in for him.
I'd guess we did something similar with Josie but i'm a complete blank when it comes to what we fed her. I know she eats now so I must have started some time but other than that, I'm blank. ;)
Poor second child.
Neither child had any problems at all with milk or switching but I don't know if that was because we didn't have to use formula since I was home for the year.
With Charlie, we were not doing formula but breastmilk. I added a cup of milk around 11 months to his meals - not a replacement for bm but to see what he would do with it.
When he went to daycare at 13 months, he was completely switched to whole milk during the day. I sent sippies of milk in for him.
I'd guess we did something similar with Josie but i'm a complete blank when it comes to what we fed her. I know she eats now so I must have started some time but other than that, I'm blank. ;)
Poor second child.
Neither child had any problems at all with milk or switching but I don't know if that was because we didn't have to use formula since I was home for the year.
same here
I didn't mix the breastmilk and milk together, I just gave them all milk in a sippy cup.
I didn't mix Raven's together. Her formula was still in a bottle and the milk in a sippy. We tried switching to cow's but she wasn't tolerating it so she ended up on goat's.
What are the classic signs they are not tolerating milk?
Raven's was an obvious change in BM. Never any issues on Good Start and then we started the milk and she had the runs and a red butt. Her doctor didn't think it was the milk though. We tried goat's and she didn't have any change in BM. A year or so later we were able to switch her to cows. I probably could of kept her on cows and gotten her use to it but her diarrhea and rash was bad.
What are the classic signs they are not tolerating milk?
Raven's was an obvious change in BM. Never any issues on Good Start and then we started the milk and she had the runs and a red butt. Her doctor didn't think it was the milk though. We tried goat's and she didn't have any change in BM. A year or so later we were able to switch her to cows. I probably could of kept her on cows and gotten her use to it but her diarrhea and rash was bad.
ok., I am being a bit cautious with food and that with Mia. With her colic and reflux and then she has eczema on the thighs real bad. I am trying to see what is causing it all.
What are the classic signs they are not tolerating milk?
Raven's was an obvious change in BM. Never any issues on Good Start and then we started the milk and she had the runs and a red butt. Her doctor didn't think it was the milk though. We tried goat's and she didn't have any change in BM. A year or so later we were able to switch her to cows. I probably could of kept her on cows and gotten her use to it but her diarrhea and rash was bad.
ok., I am being a bit cautious with food and that with Mia. With her colic and reflux and then she has eczema on the thighs real bad. I am trying to see what is causing it all.
If I could do it over I wouldn't do cow's milk(or goat's). I've been trying to eliminate cows to see if it helps with our eczema or not. I figure it can't hurt to try.
With Keegan I waited until after his allergy testing which was the week before his 1st birthday. Once we found out he was allergic to dairy we got the Soy Milk.
I introduced the Soy Milk to see if he would drink it. Once he was drinking it fine which he pretty much did right away. I dropped a nursing session each week.
He was nursing at the time 4 times a day. Morning, before morning nap, before afternoon nap then before bed.