My daddy met with the lawyer this afternoon. He told him that there's a possibility Jason could be bonded out tomorrow, he hasn't spoken with the judge yet (who's a friend of the lawyer's so there's hope). He then advised Daddy that Jason needed to go to an inpatient rehab for 90 days, which I totally agree with. Eric said that would make huge difference in the sentencing when it came time for that.
My mom is the one I'm worried about. She is just torn up about all of this, cries frequently, barely eating, etc. She kept the girls yesterday while I worked and when I got home, Kenneth made the comment "Your mom's not doing good is she?"
So please, please say a prayer for her. I understand that's her baby, but he's 33 years old and time to grow up!!
i'm sorry jen. so tough on everyone in the family. i'm really glad your brother is hopefully going to get some help. your poor mom - SO HARD i bet. i cant even imagine :(