How long did it take from the time your child was PTed during the day until they were night trained?
Anything that seemed to help?
The reason I am asking is that Lucas still needs a pullup to make it through the night. He does not wake up anywhere close to try and VERY rarely wakes up to go to the bathroom. He is a pretty heavy sleeper.
He has been PTed since this summer and hasn't had an accident except for 2 times at school while he was sleeping during nap time.
Elizabeth just started sleeping without a pull up about a week ago. She has to go to the bathroom RIGHT BEFORE bed or she would wet the bed. I think she has been day time potty trained for almost two years (I really try not to focus on that potty training hell we went through so the exact time is a little vague).
I wouldn't worry about it yet. I have a nephew that was still wearing a pull up at five. I think it just depends on when their bodies are ready.
SG still wears a pull up at night. Her urologist said she may until her reflux is resolved, but even if she didn't have that problem I wouldn't be too concerned.
Some kids bladders just don't grow as fast as other's do. That's why they make those really cool underpants for big kids now.
Ava is still wearing pullups at night. She is fine during the day has been for at least almost 2 yrs. She wakes up wet. I told her many times to go ahead and wake up and go to the bathroom if she has to go and go back to bed but it just never works I guess shes a heavy sleeper as well. I cut back on giving her drinks before bed and pee before bed too but she still wakes up wet. :dunno:
Mason only took like a month between when he was fully potty-trained including poop, and when he stopped needing pull-ups at night. He does wake up wet sporadically, like once every couple of weeks, but I'm 99% sure that happens right before he wakes up and not in the middle of the night.
Raven probably could of gone without a pull up at night at the same time she day trained but she slept with me so I kept her in them just in case. As long as she peed right before she went to bed she was fine.
Sarah still wears a diaper to bed. Now that summer is over and I don't feel guilty about taking water away from her at night, I need to get cracking with taking it and the diaper away.
Thanks everyone for sharing.... Lucas still climbs in bed with us in the middle of the night sometimes and I don't even notice because I'm such a heavy sleeper too (guess he gets it from me) so I guess I won't push it right now since I'm not a fan of waking in pee.
We cut out drinks two hours before bed, had him empty his bladder before crawling into bed, and cut out allowing him to have water at bed as well. When he stayed dry consistently for a month hen we took of the Pull-Ups. He had a couple accidents and then it was over. He was fully night trained.