Went to the OB's office for my first appointment. Since it's just to "confirm" the pregnancy, I was seen by the Nurse Practitioner. Based on my LMP I'm 6 weeks today.
No ultrasound for this visit. I was disappointed, but looking back on it that's how it was with Kevin, too. Won't get the u/s until 18-20 wks (boo!). She did a physical exam and said everything "feels" good...her words were, "Oh, there's definitely something growing in there" LOL
They drew blood and will call if anything looks out of the ordinary. I feel fine, really no symptoms other than feeling exhausted in the late afternoons and needing to pee all the time, the sore boobs come and go. Next appointment is in 4 weeks, will hopefully get to hear the heartbeat then.
June 7th! Owen's birthday is June 8th but I won't wish for you to go overdue. ;) I am SO excited for you. Can't wait for you to hear the heartbeat. If you're anything like me I'm sure you're assuming it's a boy! Are you hoping for a girl? I can picture it either way - another handsome boy to add to your little ones or a beautiful baby girl. Either way, I'm so excited!
June 7th! Owen's birthday is June 8th but I won't wish for you to go overdue. ;) I am SO excited for you. Can't wait for you to hear the heartbeat. If you're anything like me I'm sure you're assuming it's a boy! Are you hoping for a girl? I can picture it either way - another handsome boy to add to your little ones or a beautiful baby girl. Either way, I'm so excited!
Thanks, Juni. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do with a girl! LOL I wouldn't mind another boy at all, but it would be cute for Dom to have a Daddy's Girl. :) Just praying for a healthy bundle of joy either way.
Yay Jolynn! Sounds great. Will you find out? (Lord I hope so LOL!)
we're still on the fence about finding out
but since we already gave away all our baby stuff and will be starting from scratch, it's probably a good idea to know the gender ahead of time so we know what colors to buy!
Sounds like a great, uneventful appointment. Boo for no u/s but it would be pretty hard to see much of anything right now. I'm with Megan, ask for the NT scan at 12 weeks. : ) I hope you continue to feel great!!! Keep us posted!