I just went grocery shopping and I made sure to find a hiding place for all glorious 12 hostess donuts :bag
or the gigantic thing of fruit punch that Ivy insisted I buy (I was thinking as I was lugging into the cart...god, I hope no one looks at me weird..lol)
If I cared(which I don't.LOL) I would hide the dirty dishes. Sometimes I hide the prenatals because my mom would think I'm pregnant. I've been known to hide the last of something(ice cream sandwich, candy, etc.) so I could have it later.
Sorry but I wouldn't even answer the door because the house is such a mess right now. This work year has been so much busier than other years and I cannot get the house clean to save my life.
Food wise, not much because I just barely went shopping tonight and only got a few necessary things until I get paid on Friday.
But yeah, you wouldn't get any further than the front porch anyway. ;)
Well you wouldn't be allowed off of the first floor, lol. Especially in my room-it is just a dumping ground!!!
But in terms of food-IDT I would hide anything. I have hidden things from the girls because I don't want them to have the crap I eat, but I am trying to think about it in terms of...if I wouldn't give it to them, I shouldnt eat it either. TRYING. Success is something different...
Probably my sport bra that I keep on my sewing table in my front room (where I exercise). I could care less about mess. If people can't accept my mess of a house when I have 5 children home all day, that's their problem. I'm not going to kill myself and my sanity to have a clean house all the time no matter what people think.
You mean like just drop by? Oh goodness. You'd hear a whole lot of running around before I answered the door! LOL
I don't think there's anything specific I need to hide but probably just the overall looks-like-a-hurricane-rolled-in mess. Meghan can go from room to room and trash them all while I'm still 3 rooms behind cleaning up.
If I had to pick one thing, I'd probably say dishes on the counter. I have a bad habit of leaving them there for a couple hours before washing them or putting them in the dishwasher. I can't stand having a sink full of dishes so this is how my laziness gets around that.
I guess the one thing would be bathroom. I hate a dirty bathroom and if you just dropped in and it was not totally wiped down it would stress me out. Being that I leave for work at 7:30 am, it is sometimes not in a great state when I leave. I sometimes leave bra/underwear in there and such as I am rushing to get the three of us ready and out the door. So for sure that would be the room I would have to hit first to spruce up. It is not dirty, but I would hate to have someone see it like that.
Our entire bedroom by closing the door. We are very short space here, so our bedroom is: bedroom/Travis's office/massive storage room with shelves on two walls. It would give a person who cares about aesthetics an anxiety attack, it is horrible.
No solution until we move, which isn't for 18 months :)
ug, at this point i'd just ask to meet at your house instead- lol. it's not so messy really, but the kitchen (which is the main room) is upside down still and the furniture is all in the middle of the room since i'm still painting.
i had a sweatshirt pocket full of shortbread cookies before, which was pretty embarrassing.