His liver does have the narrow bile ducts, as they expected with their probable diagnosis of Alagilles. With that being said, the narrowing is mild!!! The Dr. said we will continut to monitor him and he will continue on his medications, but hopefully this is something that is just a watch and see and never requires additional interventions.
I'm very excited that IF we can't shake this diagnosis, that we can take comfort in knowing that Cole's case is mild. The Dr. did say that things can always change, but for now we can rest easy.
I am so happy that it is mild. It must also be comforting to finally know what "it" is that you are dealing with. You are amazing for really sticking with this and getting to the bottom of it. Cole is so lucky to have you for a mommy!
Prayers that it continues to stay mild and other interventions are not necessary!
I'm so glad to see this update. I'm glad it's mild and I hope it stays that way and he never has to have any interventions. Again i'm glad you guys figured out what's been happening so you can help Coley feel better.
I am so glad that it is mild and is just something to watch over. I hope this probable diagnosis means some relief for him and my prayers are with you guys.
That is WONDERFUL. I am very happy to hear this, even though I know the diagnosis in and of itself isn't something you would ever want, even in mild form, for your child.
I am praying he never needs any further intervention, D.