Just got a call that they took her to the ER and she had a stroke and their is bleeding on the brain still and it doesn`t look operable.(sp?)
He knows she will be going sooner or later (and the condition she is in it would be better for sooner) but hasn`t been visiting much because he has been sick and didn`t want her to catch it..... so he is really upset.
blah..... I don`t know how he is going to handle this... so much death in the family these past few years.
She hasn`t made much change...no talking or squeezing your hand when u ask a question.... but she is awake and looks around, tries to move and got aggervated when one of her daughters tried to wash her mouth off.
They moved her to a new room because someone decided that she is not to be revived (sp?) if anything was to happen. Eric isn`t dealing very well with that at the moment. Although it is the best decision.
as for me.....
I am just very emotional and started crying just because the diapers I ordered were cancelled because of some error on the site and I shouldn`t have gotten them at that price because it expired a month ago or some crap like that. I`m done with that site.
Looks like her kidneys are fine it was just the cath that was clogged!!!! (shame on them) Eric got her to laugh a few times yesterday and she is trying to talk and move more!!!!!!!
As for the dnr... well I guess they took her off of it and just said they don`t want her on life support because for this hospital they weren`t even taking care of her while she was a dnr.... not even using the suction thing when she was clearly gurgeling on her spit and about to choke... (shaking my head)
Anyway they are cleaning out her room and fixing it up this weekend and hopefully bring her home.
Thanks for all the p&pt! Eric seems to be in a better place for now. I think this will be harder on him than his mom (when it does happen). His gma basically raised him.