So we are currently breaking/Have broken Faith of her Binkey habit.
What I am wondering is how long it took for binkey babies to stop crying for it at night. Faith is having a hard time and frankly I am exhusted. She screams every night at bedtime for maybe an hour or so. The she will wake up during the night crying for it.
I kinda maybe feel its was arly but its now to late to go back as she has been without if since basically last Thur night.
I feel like such a mean mom for taking that away but I think all of us need it. She was still waking up crying anyways several times at night when she couldn't find it probably 90% of the time. Thats a lot of nights not getting a good nights sleep.
I just don't know what to do Braxton never took a binkey so I didn't have to worry about it with him. (Until we start breaking him of sucking his thumb. I guess we will see which is harder to break).
melissa, jake had a hard time when we took it away too.
he cried for at least a week - probably close to 10 days before he went to bed without crying. he asked for it at night for a few weeks after that without tears, but he definitely still thought about it.
even though i was MISERABLE making him cry like that, i never looked back. i remember a few nights thinking "how long can this possibly continue?" and now, it's like he never even had one. i dont' even remember those nights of tears and i'm sure he doesn't either.
i know it's rough, but tough it out. before you know it, it will be a thing of the past.
we're so screwed with the binky. cara has it in her mouth all the time. 24 hours a day. it's awful. i feel like we're never going to get rid of it. we never really curbed it because she's just been so challenging that it was the least of our problems, and sometimes the only solution to our problems (ie, it's better to have a kid suck a binky than a kid literally faint from crying) -- so i think we're going to just wait it out.
with R, she only cried one night (she was only on it at nights) and we took it away at around 3. we told her the binky fairy was coming, and that she was bringing a gift. she was old enough that the incentive outweighed the need for the bink, so it was pretty hassle free, though 3 is later than we wanted.