I'm about to lose it with Kaylin. Three days ago I'd had it with her disaster of a room. I told her no tv and no friends until she picked it up. Well that was three days ago and after spending three whole days in her room she hasn't even picked one thing up. Plus she has...
Snuck out to go and play with the neighbor girls numerous times.
Snuck candy. (The wrappers are under her bed.)
Written all over her bed and after she got in trouble proceeded to write on her walls and make hand prints with lip gloss.
I've tried time outs. I've tried taking away tv and friends. I've tried spankings. I also just emptied all the toys from her room and she happily waved goodbye to them all. The only thing she really seems to care about is her baby and that's her comfort item so I really can't take that away.
I'm at my wit's end. Plus, Carter started crawling out of his crib today and Mark is gone until Tuesday at his brother's bachelor party.
OMG Stacey. I am SOOOOOOOOOO sorry she is causing you so much stress and anguish!!!!! Oh my!!!!
I truly wish I had some advice. The only thing I can say is that I *have* taken away their comfort items. They cry and cry about it, and usually if it is naptime they won't nap because of it (not sure if Kaylin even still naps-I know Anna's are pretty sporatic, but she still has rest time in her room, and that is the only time she is allowed to be with her blankets, which are what she cares about), but it makes an impact. I usually give warnings and take other things away first of course, but if she is doing this kind of stuff, you may have to consider taking that comfort item. Is there a time of day you could do that without it being for a nighttime sleep period?
I'm sorry-I just don't know what else to suggest. Do you think she is doing it for attention? Is she a daddy's girl and upset about Mark being away? IDK-I am just trying to come up with something that might help.
I really hope she lets up on this behavior!!! My goodness-sneaking off already at 4??? What does she think, that she is going off to high school next year or something???
omg stacey! is it horrible that i can't stop laughing at the mental image?? no advice, but i really hope momsquawk is around when these kids are 16 (if kaylen is sneaking out now, i am dying to hear what she is doing as a teenager!!)
OMG Stacey. I am SOOOOOOOOOO sorry she is causing you so much stress and anguish!!!!! Oh my!!!!
I truly wish I had some advice. The only thing I can say is that I *have* taken away their comfort items. They cry and cry about it, and usually if it is naptime they won't nap because of it (not sure if Kaylin even still naps-I know Anna's are pretty sporatic, but she still has rest time in her room, and that is the only time she is allowed to be with her blankets, which are what she cares about), but it makes an impact. I usually give warnings and take other things away first of course, but if she is doing this kind of stuff, you may have to consider taking that comfort item. Is there a time of day you could do that without it being for a nighttime sleep period?
I'm sorry-I just don't know what else to suggest. Do you think she is doing it for attention? Is she a daddy's girl and upset about Mark being away? IDK-I am just trying to come up with something that might help.
I really hope she lets up on this behavior!!! My goodness-sneaking off already at 4??? What does she think, that she is going off to high school next year or something???
What I didn't say above is that perhaps this is all karma coming back to bite me in the ass. Sorry Mom for all the times my room was a disaster!!
This started before Mark left so I can't blame it on missing Daddy. She loves playing games so I've told her we'll play when her room is clean.
So I guess the consensus is to take baby. Yikes! She's only allowed to have baby when she's in her room. I guess I'll try taking her away during the day. I'm not sure I'm brave enough to make her sleep without her. (Says the Mom who still sleeps with her blankie .)
omg stacey! is it horrible that i can't stop laughing at the mental image?? no advice, but i really hope momsquawk is around when these kids are 16 (if kaylen is sneaking out now, i am dying to hear what she is doing as a teenager!!)
No, not horrible at all. When my anger is mitigated I will try to see the humor too!!
OMG--I shudder to think ahead to 16. Maybe she'll get it all out of her system now...
R doesnt care if i throw toys out either. but if i threaten to give them to OTHER KIDS, she has a fit and it whips her right into shape. good luck - sounds brutal. though compared to my morning, i dont even flinch at your post - i'm losing my mind too!! (this morning, anyway!!)
R doesnt care if i throw toys out either. but if i threaten to give them to OTHER KIDS, she has a fit and it whips her right into shape. good luck - sounds brutal. though compared to my morning, i dont even flinch at your post - i'm losing my mind too!! (this morning, anyway!!)
same here!! And we're in the SAME boat with the room situation! It's HORRIBLE!
OMG Stacey. I am SOOOOOOOOOO sorry she is causing you so much stress and anguish!!!!! Oh my!!!!
I truly wish I had some advice. The only thing I can say is that I *have* taken away their comfort items. They cry and cry about it, and usually if it is naptime they won't nap because of it (not sure if Kaylin even still naps-I know Anna's are pretty sporatic, but she still has rest time in her room, and that is the only time she is allowed to be with her blankets, which are what she cares about), but it makes an impact. I usually give warnings and take other things away first of course, but if she is doing this kind of stuff, you may have to consider taking that comfort item. Is there a time of day you could do that without it being for a nighttime sleep period?
I'm sorry-I just don't know what else to suggest. Do you think she is doing it for attention? Is she a daddy's girl and upset about Mark being away? IDK-I am just trying to come up with something that might help.
I really hope she lets up on this behavior!!! My goodness-sneaking off already at 4??? What does she think, that she is going off to high school next year or something???
What I didn't say above is that perhaps this is all karma coming back to bite me in the ass. Sorry Mom for all the times my room was a disaster!!
This started before Mark left so I can't blame it on missing Daddy. She loves playing games so I've told her we'll play when her room is clean.
So I guess the consensus is to take baby. Yikes! She's only allowed to have baby when she's in her room. I guess I'll try taking her away during the day. I'm not sure I'm brave enough to make her sleep without her. (Says the Mom who still sleeps with her blankie .)
LOL-ITU. (says the mom who still sleeps with a stuffed animal everynight) I wouldn't want to take it overnight unless I HAD to.
Anna is very generous and will give her toys away at the drop of a hat to kids who need them, but offer them to her sister and she FREAKS. That definitely works-works with food a lot too, lol.