I have several books on my list and thought maybe we could toss out our individual lists and others can chime in with opinions if they have read a book on someone's list.
I spent an hour in Barnes & Noble on Tuesday investigating this section of books. I was wanting to get in one place and look at all the Beth Moore books. I stumbled on a few more that caught my eye.
Right now this is what I want to read:
One Month to Live by Shook Get out of that Pit by Beth Moore When a Woman Meets Jesus by Dorothy Valcarcel
I also want to read Sacred Marriage but it's down my list . . . I'm not sure I'm at a point in my faith that I should read this just yet. I'm open to opinions if anyone has read it.
I ordered the Shook book from Amazon - it shipped yesterday. It got good reviews and I'm excited to get it and start reading.