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Post Info TOPIC: What do you hate to do with your kids...


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Date: Sep 2, 2009
What do you hate to do with your kids...

that other moms do with theirs?

I saw this on another forum and thought it was interesting to see all the responses.

I hate doing crafts with Mason.  Hate it.  Crafts, Play-doh, painting...anything that makes a big mess really.  John doesn't mind it though, so they do craft stuff on weekends.

I also don't like doing pretend play.  I am so not creative, and even though I remember playing like that when I was a kid, I am horrible at it now.

I love reading stories, playing catch, taking him places, and watching movies and football with him.  I used to like dancing with him, but this never-ending headache won't allow dancing!




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Date: Sep 2, 2009

Pretty much anything sport-related I hate.

I don't want to throw a ball (or frisbee or anything else); I don't want to play golf (mini or regular); I don't want to run; I don't even like to "help" Mark on his little bike with training wheels. I also don't like to play little-kid board games like Candyland or Chutes 'n Ladders.

I love crafts--painting, play-doh, sidewalk chalk, drawing, pretty much anything, pretend play, going to kid-friendly places (like the zoo), playing older-kid games (card games, word games). I love to cook with the kids and play in the pool with the kids. I also love reading with my kids.

ETA: My #1 favorite thing to do with the kids is build with blocks. I love blocks.

-- Edited by Robin on Wednesday 2nd of September 2009 05:22:02 PM


Robin, mom to Henry and Mark


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Date: Sep 2, 2009

Anything but talking.  I don't like taking them places (at least not all at once, sometimes I enjoy taking only one or two with me), I don't like doing crafts with them, I don't like playing pretend (I didn't even like this as a kid), I don't like watching TV with them, I don't like building things with them, I don't like taking a walk with name it, I pretty much don't like to do it.  I'm a very solitary type of person.  I like to read, but only certain books, and not aloud.  I like to do crafts, but only by myself.  I like to go places, but only alone.  I don't like sports except a rare few that I like to do alone.  I like to take walks but it's annoying to have to talk to someone or pay attention to someone else when I do.  I like to play games but not so much with my kids because there's no challenge.  I'm not a big TV person.....

So, I like to talk with my kids.  I didn't used to like to talk with younger kids, but I've learned to enjoy it and Rebecca and Crystal are getting to the age when they're a blast to hang out with if they're in a good mood and leave the teenage mentality behind.

I do enjoy the time I spend cleaning with my kids, if I'm forced to clean at all and they actually help me.  It's much more fun to do it together than alone.  But I don't like having to nag them to get them to do it.  If we're both working willingly, it's fun to do together.

Hmmm, I wonder if I get a break I'll actually start enjoying some of these things with my kids.   I haven't had more than a couple hours break at a time from them since Rebecca was born.  Maybe in about 5 years I'll get to leave for a day or two.



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Date: Sep 2, 2009

I don't mind playing with Ivy but she just never wants to stop...once you start, it is a headache to get her to understand you are not playing anymore. 

I really like to watch her play...she is so creative and loves pretend play.  I used to love it too when I was a child and my older sister used to play w/ me and even though all she did was things like dress the dolls and make the house, I still enjoyed it so I try to do this with Ivy. 



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Date: Sep 2, 2009

I'm with Robin. I save sports related things for Bill. Blah. I don't like doing that stuff with them. And heaven help us if they need to pushed around on a bike or something-I despise that!!!!! Oh, and pushing them on the swings. They NEVER tire of it and I am so so sick of it. Soooooooooo boring. I'm also not big on watching TV with them. I mean, the shows are cute and all, but I usually put the TV on so I can get something done, so I am not big on sitting there watching it with them-I always feel like there is something else I need to be doing.

I like pretend play and crafty things. I don't mind playing with dolls with them, and I love puzzles and things like that. I HATE moon sand, but play doh is fine with me. I am not big on paints-that doesn't happen a whole lot, but they love it when I get that stuff out.

I don't mind reading stories either, but they want the same ones over and over and over and over and over and...well, I get sick of that.


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Date: Sep 2, 2009

I'm not a big fan of crafts.  I really am not all that creative so I'm glad that school fulfulls that item for them.    I actually enjoy most things we do but sometimes it's more of a headache if I am doing something with both of them.  One thing I love to do with the girls is make up shows.  We make up music shows, fashion shows, puppet shows and they think it is so fun that I am the audiance and I usually video tape them to make it extra special so they can watch it (it's usually in true 2 and 4 year old style).



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Date: Sep 2, 2009

I'm not a camping fan.  I do it for the boys but I simply like to use my own bathroom.  Anyway because of my back I'm not suppose to do it so that is one good benefit of having surgery on my back! smile



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Date: Sep 2, 2009

I hate pushing the swing. I know that sounds stupid, but Allie never wants to stop. I wonder if other 4 year olds pump themselves now? Anyone? Allie sort of can, but not enough to get her as high as she likes. I also have to push her the right way, just like daddy doesno It is impossible to get her off it once we are on.

I do not mind the sports and games. Crafts I am ok on, but honestly do not do a ton.

She likes to pretend bake and cook a lot, so I am forever pretend eating. Hey, maybe that is why I cannot lose weight biggrin



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Date: Sep 3, 2009

i hate playing pretend.  i have so much mommy guilt over this because this is mason's absolute favorite thing to do.  he would play pretend  i do it for him, but i can only tolerate about 45 mins in a row before i get really cranky.  i wish i was better at it, but i just hate it.

i love the sports stuff and outside play, building, coloring, goofing off, dancing.



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Date: Sep 3, 2009

i have a really hard time with games that don't have rules - basically where we have to be creative and make stuff up. i just draw a blank, don't know what to do, and end up sitting there thinking about all the things i could be getting done. i HATE that cry

does anyone know how to become more ... fun for the pretend kind of thing?



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Date: Sep 3, 2009

crystal wrote:

i hate playing pretend.  i have so much mommy guilt over this because this is mason's absolute favorite thing to do.  he would play pretend  i do it for him, but i can only tolerate about 45 mins in a row before i get really cranky.  i wish i was better at it, but i just hate it.

i love the sports stuff and outside play, building, coloring, goofing off, dancing.

 DITTO!!!!  And I'm envious that you can make it 45 minutes!  I have a threshold of maybe 3 minutes. 



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Date: Sep 3, 2009

sappy wrote:

i have a really hard time with games that don't have rules - basically where we have to be creative and make stuff up. i just draw a blank, don't know what to do, and end up sitting there thinking about all the things i could be getting done. i HATE that cry

does anyone know how to become more ... fun for the pretend kind of thing?

Ditto to this too!!!  I just start zoning out and obsessing over my need to go clean this or that.  Of course, when we are done, all thoughts of cleaning are gone.



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Date: Sep 3, 2009

Hate pushing the swing. She could go for hours if I let her. Everything else I don't mind.



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Date: Sep 3, 2009

i hate playdough or anything of that nature.



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Date: Sep 3, 2009

i like non-messy crafts (i count playdoh as non-messy bc we do it outside) -- i hate painting though and never bother with this.  i like beading, coloring, and stuff like that.

i hate active play and i'm with the others who hate the swing.

i'm ok on pretend play but R takes it really too far and gets waaaaay too demanding/dependent and i need to cut her off.
i like board games and i like teaching her stuff - and i like plain talking.
but i'm sort of burnt out on actually "playing" with them, and the more i play wiht them, the more demanding/whiney they seem to get.  :dunno

i'm starting to REALLY feel like these kids need time away from me - this dynamic is going downhill. we're all so burnt out.



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Date: Sep 3, 2009

LDSMOM wrote:

Anything but talking.  I don't like taking them places (at least not all at once, sometimes I enjoy taking only one or two with me), I don't like doing crafts with them, I don't like playing pretend (I didn't even like this as a kid), I don't like watching TV with them, I don't like building things with them, I don't like taking a walk with name it, I pretty much don't like to do it.  I'm a very solitary type of person.  I like to read, but only certain books, and not aloud.  I like to do crafts, but only by myself.  I like to go places, but only alone.  I don't like sports except a rare few that I like to do alone.  I like to take walks but it's annoying to have to talk to someone or pay attention to someone else when I do.  I like to play games but not so much with my kids because there's no challenge.  I'm not a big TV person.....

So, I like to talk with my kids.  I didn't used to like to talk with younger kids, but I've learned to enjoy it and Rebecca and Crystal are getting to the age when they're a blast to hang out with if they're in a good mood and leave the teenage mentality behind.

I do enjoy the time I spend cleaning with my kids, if I'm forced to clean at all and they actually help me.  It's much more fun to do it together than alone.  But I don't like having to nag them to get them to do it.  If we're both working willingly, it's fun to do together.

Hmmm, I wonder if I get a break I'll actually start enjoying some of these things with my kids.   I haven't had more than a couple hours break at a time from them since Rebecca was born.  Maybe in about 5 years I'll get to leave for a day or two.

Wow  . . . . this has me speechless.




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Date: Sep 3, 2009

I hate to play games. Taking out pieces and then trying to get Ks brothers not to mess with  them and then K making up rules as she goes along.

I also hate playdoh.



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Date: Sep 3, 2009

I am lucky in regards to the pretend play because they would much rather play together just the two of them. I don't mind it at all but it gets frustrating because I "don't do it right." LOL But Gavin and Owen are pretend playing so I can imagine how hard it would be for an only child wanting to do that with mom all day.

I hate painting. I like the idea, I think it's a great thing to do but I'll leave it to preschool. The mess just is too much. I stress too much so it takes the enjoyment out of it for them.

I'm trying to think. Honestly, I love to do most things with them. I think I'm a good "boy" mom. I love running around with them and wrestling and that kind of thing. We don't do a ton of crafts but it's more because they don't seem to be super interested. We have legos and blocks and they make some of the neatest things. I like doing that with them but honestly, they have each other.

The more I think about it, I am really lucky. They *do* fight but most of the time they love playing together and have so much fun that they rarely bug me to play with them - even when I want to. I get a LOT of enjoyment out of watching them interact.

Oh! We do LOVE doing puzzles at our house. Owen is a puzzle master, I swear and so he can keep up with Gavin (actually he is probably better at puzzles than Gavin) so we will do the 60 or 100 piece puzzles and they need a little bit of help with that and it is fun. so, I think I am going to be buying a few more of those to do as a family. :)



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Date: Sep 3, 2009

CoffeeQueen wrote:

I hate pushing the swing. I know that sounds stupid, but Allie never wants to stop. I wonder if other 4 year olds pump themselves now? Anyone? Allie sort of can, but not enough to get her as high as she likes. I also have to push her the right way, just like daddy doesno It is impossible to get her off it once we are on.

I do not mind the sports and games. Crafts I am ok on, but honestly do not do a ton.

She likes to pretend bake and cook a lot, so I am forever pretend eating. Hey, maybe that is why I cannot lose weight biggrin

Melissa, Anna is the EXACT same.  She *can* pump her legs, but not all that well, and she doesn't get high enough. *sigh*  I hate it!!!  And like you said, once they get on there, they NEVER want to get off...




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Date: Sep 3, 2009

crystal wrote:

i hate playing pretend.  i have so much mommy guilt over this because this is mason's absolute favorite thing to do.  he would play pretend  i do it for him, but i can only tolerate about 45 mins in a row before i get really cranky.  i wish i was better at it, but i just hate it.

i love the sports stuff and outside play, building, coloring, goofing off, dancing.

 Um...45 minutes????

Dude, I NEVER give my girls a full 45 minutes of undivided attention. (not all at once)  I play for 10-15 minute bursts with them throughout the day, and then I expect them to play on their own or together during the other times.

I could NOT pretend play for 45 minutes straight.  No way.

It depends on the day, but I would say I give them maybe 20 minutes of every hour they are awake when they have my full attention.


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