I took Cole to target to pick out a backpack, and my sweet boy picked this one:
the thing is, if he were going to the little school at the temple, it totally wouldn't be an issue. i'd get it for him and not think another thing of it.
buuuuut, he's going to school at a public PK-5 school this year, and i just know that the older kids would not likely be kind to him about it. and he is soooo sensitive that I'd rather not go there.
What do I do? I showed him alll the cool boy backpacks, took him to a few stores with non-branded backpacks (gymbo, gap, etc). and he kept telling me that this backpack was the ONLY backpack he ever wanted.
Too cute D. I would buy 3 other backpacks, take them home and have him choose which one he wants then take the others back.
Maybe out of sight out of mind.
I made the stupid mistake of giving Sarah the halloween costume catalog last week and she picked the spiderman costume.
I really don't care and I think it'd be funny if she wore it but watching Kindergarten girls and knowing that they're pretty much over princesses and fairies by that age, I really want just one more year of girlie.
So Ryan and I went through the whole catalog again with her and asked her if she wanted to be anything else. She was dead set on spidey until she saw a green fairy costume. Phew!
But I am wondering, does he have to bring his lunch? I just did a quick google search and there are ni hao kai lan thermos. maybe he would settle for that and another backpack.
I also found these two styles which are not as girly so maybe it could be an option...
I would get it for him for the car for him to put things in at home. But since that is such a special backpack youd hate for it to get lost at school so we should pick out a different one for school
I would get it for him for the car for him to put things in at home. But since that is such a special backpack youd hate for it to get lost at school so we should pick out a different one for school
I am with Tracy here. I do agree that he may be ridiculed to the ends of the earth otherwise. I know when my ds was in kindergarten the older kids would swarm down on them to pick on them for stupid petty reasons. Kids are cruel vultures sometimes.
Also you could tell him that the backpack is not in your budget, isn't approved for school, or some such thing. I like the idea of buying it and making it too special for school.
Hmmm...I don't know that I'd be that worried about it, only because that Kai Lan character is so popular these days, and the kids might not think of it in a gender way, especially given the tiger. That said, Ellerie has a Diego backpack (her choice), so I'm probably biased. I think I'd buy it.
The reason I wouldn't buy it is because it's pink, not because it has Kai Lan (or however you spell it) on it.
Can you just tell him that pink backpacks are for girls?
I finally had to tell Mark that nail polish was for girls because he LOVES nail polish. Now we stick with clear and almost-clear but I still paint his nails.
The reason I wouldn't buy it is because it's pink, not because it has Kai Lan (or however you spell it) on it.
Can you just tell him that pink backpacks are for girls?
I finally had to tell Mark that nail polish was for girls because he LOVES nail polish. Now we stick with clear and almost-clear but I still paint his nails.
Robin, I sent you a message so you could send one back to me so I'd know how it looks on the new board
First off, am I the only one who doesn't know who these characters are?
I'd have a hard time buying it for my boys, and esp if Cole is sensitive then I'd steer clear.
My cousin's son's favorite color was pink, but he was all boy and had no problem telling off anyone who made fun of him so that would be another story.
The reason I wouldn't buy it is because it's pink, not because it has Kai Lan (or however you spell it) on it.
Can you just tell him that pink backpacks are for girls?
I finally had to tell Mark that nail polish was for girls because he LOVES nail polish. Now we stick with clear and almost-clear but I still paint his nails.
Robin, I sent you a message so you could send one back to me so I'd know how it looks on the new board
I sent you a message back but I have a feeling I can't do what you suggest.
yeah, i've seen ever kai-lan backpack known to man, they're just all a little too femme i think
i sure wish they had one that was plain and just had rintoo (the tiger) on it
maybe i'll work the KD angle and see if he'll bite
poor sweet metrosexual cole (LMAO)
Maybe this will make you feel better about your BOY, I've got the Metrosexual too:
This is what MY BOY wanted... Sometimes ya just gotta GO with it I guess (This was almost 3 weeks ago and it's just now coming off, no matter how many people told me to remove it!! LMAO)
I would let him take it. Raven goes back and forth very easily between what is consider boy and girl stuff. With Raven it's just what she likes and I don't want to stick a gender to it. Sometimes she is a spiderman with a purse or a princess playing with trucks.
omg - if i was in lux at this moment i would totally make him a backpack with the tiger on it...easy peasy.
how soon does he need it? i can whip one up the first week of sept and priority it out to you???
(fwiw i HATE these stereotypes... clara can wear a diego backpack no probs, why can't a boy wear that one... ugh!)
awww, tysm muffy. i've been on etsy scouring for someone who could make us one quickly and have had no luck.
unfort. i was hoping to have it by monday of next week
i'm leaning towards either buying 3 generic-ish ones and letting him pick OR just getting him a plain tote bag from michaels and letting him decorate it himself until i can get a kai-lan one made
what sucks is that i'm really not the type to put people into gender stereotypes, however, cole is just so stinkin' sensitive that it would really affect him if kids poked fun at his pink/green backpack
omg - if i was in lux at this moment i would totally make him a backpack with the tiger on it...easy peasy.
how soon does he need it? i can whip one up the first week of sept and priority it out to you???
(fwiw i HATE these stereotypes... clara can wear a diego backpack no probs, why can't a boy wear that one... ugh!)
awww, tysm muffy. i've been on etsy scouring for someone who could make us one quickly and have had no luck.
unfort. i was hoping to have it by monday of next week
i'm leaning towards either buying 3 generic-ish ones and letting him pick OR just getting him a plain tote bag from michaels and letting him decorate it himself until i can get a kai-lan one made
what sucks is that i'm really not the type to put people into gender stereotypes, however, cole is just so stinkin' sensitive that it would really affect him if kids poked fun at his pink/green backpack
what to do what to do.
Maybe ask Jayna. I think she could at the very least do a tote bag and I am betting they make that fabric. I guess you wouldn't have it by monday but she could probably get it to you in a pretty timely manner.
honestly? i would tell him pink was a girl color and tell him if he picked a different one, i would let him get a kai lan thermos...this one is semi-boyish--