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Date: Aug 14, 2009
Few questions

One would think I am a first time mom, but I have totally forgotten a few things.

1. I cannot remember at what age Allie drank out of a sippy well. Should Mia be drinking well out of one at 9 months? I somehow remember Allie doing it very early, but I could be making that up.

2. When do you drop the amount of milk? She is now on people food for most, but still give baby food. She gets three solid meals now and her bottles about 4 times a day.

3. How the heck did you keep all your older kids little toys out of the hands of your little one. Mia puts everything in her mouth and is into everything. I found her the other day choking on one of Allies hair rubber bands. She scared the crap out of me. I have to watch her like a hawk.

4. When did you give meat to your child?



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Date: Aug 15, 2009

My sister was asking me questions about feeding my kids the other day.

I have NO memory of starting to feed Josie. None.

She eats now so I am sure I did feed her but, well, I'm drawing a blank. lmao.

Charlie used a sippy at 10 months. I gave him milk in a sippy at 10 months (early I know) with meals to get him used to it. He never took a bottle so I wanted him used to having something in a cup for when I went back to work. By 12 months, that was how he got his milk all day.

As for toys, we were very lucky Josie wasn't as interested in putting things in her mouth as Charlie was at her age. I still have no idea how you would do this.

Wow, not much help from me. Sorry.



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Date: Aug 15, 2009

1. I cannot remember at what age Allie drank out of a sippy well. Should Mia be drinking well out of one at 9 months? I somehow remember Allie doing it very early, but I could be making that up.

I started giving Keegan a sippy cup at his solids meals at just over 6 months.  He did not start drinking well from it until, gosh I would say close to 11 months.  Otherwise he would just kinda suck, throw it, whatever. He now will drink a cup full of his Soy milk, though he has sippy cups that he drinks better out of than others.

2. When do you drop the amount of milk? She is now on people food for most, but still give baby food. She gets three solid meals now and her bottles about 4 times a day.

He was breastfed (still is twice a day..dropping the morning feeding tomorrow however) but before I started cutting those out he was nursing upon wake up between 6-7 am, 9 am, 1 pm, 4 pm, 6:45-7 pm.  We dropped the 4 pm, then the 1 pm, then the 9 am.  I always dropped the ones he was least interested in first.

3. How the heck did you keep all your older kids little toys out of the hands of your little one. Mia puts everything in her mouth and is into everything. I found her the other day choking on one of Allies hair rubber bands. She scared the crap out of me. I have to watch her like a hawk.

My boys know to keep all their toys up and if they want to play legos, magnetix, kinex any of those they have to play on the top of the table.  Also, they love to play with money, I have found coins on the ground.  It is hard to keep things all picked up but so far so good.

4. When did you give meat to your child?

Honestly, cannot remember.  It was chicken breast however.  I am thinking he was 10-11 months.  I waited so long since he had no teeth at all (still doesn't) however he has since had chicken, ham, turkey, beef.  And does fine with all, with those gummy gums.



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Date: Aug 15, 2009

C did sippies at 6 or 7 mos. she always did better with straw cups though, even at that age.
not sure about when we decreased nursings. it was always hard to tell with cara - while she was never a ravenous nurser or a comfort nurser, she was never on any kind of great schedule. i was home with her though so just sort of played it by ear.

for us, it was impossible to keep the little stuff away from C. i'm assuming allie and R are similar in their styles of play - if i'm right, you have a TON of little mini figures and beads and stuff. sooo hard. i tried my hardest to tell R that she had to keep certain things upstairs in her room or playroom, and then if C was in there with her, i'd just have to sit there monitoring.
the layout of my house is good though bc R's toys are mainly upstairs, so C and i would just hang out downstairs at that stage.
C will be 2 at the end of the month, and still is very much with the stuff in the mouth. still have to watch carefully. she's tricky that way.

her first chicken was at this party we went to when she was 10 mos. no clue about red meat, we rarely eat it anyway. definitely not till past a year though.



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Date: Aug 15, 2009

Thanks,  Kelly and Sara.

Sonya you were a ton of helpbiggrin

I really just forgot a lot. It is amazing that I did.

I am affraid to give her any real meat yet. She just turned 9 months so I think I may wait a bit. She has had a little bit of chicken out of the panera chicken soup.

I think I started giving Allie her sippy around 5 months, but could not remember when she drank out of it. I tried to show Mia a straw, but that was a no go. She just wanted to chew on it. She is teething something fierce and chews on everything and anything. Allie was such a easy teether. She never chewed like this. Mia is going to be teething forever. Her two little bottom teeth are slowly making their way up.

I think Mia is going to be my into everything and climbing everthing child. Such a huge difference from Allie. I guess I get to experience both sides.

She is awesome now though. All smiles all the time. Never would have thought this the first 5 months of her life.



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Date: Aug 15, 2009

Isn't it funny how you totally forget?  I'm on my THIRD child, and still feel like a first time mom sometimes, lol

Kenley has a sippy cup now (6 months) but she doesn't drink out of it much.  She mostly sucks on it and just plays around with it.

I can't remember with Presley, mainly because that was about the time she got sick so it's all a blur with her

With SarahGrace, she was breasfed until she was 13 months old.  She was eating people food, I'd say around 9-10 months old, but also baby food too.  She'd still breastfeed at least 4 times a day even then.  I didn't start her on cow's milk until she was a year old,  and even then it wasn't very much because she was still nursing. 

I think she was close to  a year before I gave her real meat.  I did try the baby food meat, but she didn't like it too much so I didn't force it on her.  She would eat the dinners that had meat in them though.



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Date: Aug 15, 2009

Sarah put everything in her mouth for what seemed like forever. I was constantly picking things up off the floor. I just packed up all the small stuff and put it in storage to ease my mind. Luckily by the time Sarah was born the boys were into video games and didn't really care much about toys anymore so they didn't care. It was hard going anywhere out of our house bubble though. I had extra sensory bionic eyes after a while and I could spot a small thing a mile away. It really sucked and I was glad when that phase ended.



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Date: Aug 15, 2009

CoffeeQueen wrote:

One would think I am a first time mom, but I have totally forgotten a few things.

1. I cannot remember at what age Allie drank out of a sippy well. Should Mia be drinking well out of one at 9 months? I somehow remember Allie doing it very early, but I could be making that up. IDR their exact ages, but it wasn't terribly early for Anna.  She never actually caught on to the sippy that well, so we moved onto a straw, and that went MUCH better.  Both of mine learned on straws.  But agewise???  Hmmm...IDK.  I know Kate was drinking well out of a cup by 9 months, but Anna was not.  I don't really think it matters a whole lot, tbh.  She'll get it soon enough. 

2. When do you drop the amount of milk? She is now on people food for most, but still give baby food. She gets three solid meals now and her bottles about 4 times a day.  Again, it is so hard to remember.  I can't believe in only 2 years I have forgotten all of this stuff!!!  I think 4 bottles a day sounds about right though.  I think ours had a bottle in the morning with breakfast, then one before nap, maybe another after nap (Anna was on 2 naps at that age, Kate was moving to one), and then bedtime.  Then we dropped the post nap bottle, then switched the morning bottle to a cup, then dropped the pre-nap bottle and finally did away with the bedtime.  Anna had a bedtime bottle until she was about 20 months (we had planned on taking it away sooner, but didn't because of the potential upset with having a new sibling), Kate was 15 months when we took hers.  Neither of them ever went to bed with one-it was the beginning part of the routine, then teeth brushing and story.

3. How the heck did you keep all your older kids little toys out of the hands of your little one. Mia puts everything in her mouth and is into everything. I found her the other day choking on one of Allies hair rubber bands. She scared the crap out of me. I have to watch her like a hawk. This wasn't much of a problem for me.  Anna was much worse about putting things in her mouth than Kate ever was, so at 16 months, she wasn't playing with teeny things anyway.  They have pretty much grown up together on that front.  Even so, when we first started getting toys with little parts, I would sit with them and watch them play, and when one of them would put something in their mouth, I would take it away and tell them no and such.  I still don't allow them to play with those magnetix toys (Bill loves those, lmao) without supervision, even though they know better by this age.  I would enlist Allie's help in keeping the floors and surfaces Mia can access clear of little things as much as possible.
4. When did you give meat to your child? We did the meat in the baby food meals at about the 8 month point.  IDT we tried actual meat until later, past a year with Anna for sure.  She gagged on everything.  Again though, Kate was different.  She wanted what we had, so we gave her softer meats earlier on.  IDR exactly when, but it was definitely before a year.  At 9 months, Anna had just mastered the stage 3 baby food, but by 9 months Kate was pretty much eating all table food.



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Date: Aug 15, 2009

I started the girls on sippy cups around 6 months.  It was just at meals and they mostly just played with them.

4 bottles a day sounds about right for 9 months old so don't stress about that.  When they were both 10 1/2 months I started slowly mixing milk in with the formula and each week increased the amount of milk and decreased the formula so that they were only drinking whole milk by 12-13 months.  I also increased the use of the sippy cups at that time to slowly wean the bottle. 

Oh the toy situation.... well just be happy she's only putting it in her mouth and not using it as a lethal weapon. ;)  I'm so sick and tired of the fighting over toys these days.   Does Allie seem to mind when Mia gets into her things?



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Date: Aug 15, 2009

Michele wrote:

I started the girls on sippy cups around 6 months.  It was just at meals and they mostly just played with them.

4 bottles a day sounds about right for 9 months old so don't stress about that.  When they were both 10 1/2 months I started slowly mixing milk in with the formula and each week increased the amount of milk and decreased the formula so that they were only drinking whole milk by 12-13 months.  I also increased the use of the sippy cups at that time to slowly wean the bottle. 

Oh the toy situation.... well just be happy she's only putting it in her mouth and not using it as a lethal weapon. ;)  I'm so sick and tired of the fighting over toys these days.   Does Allie seem to mind when Mia gets into her things?

Um, I am so in for it when Mia gets a bit more mobile. Allie and I were playing Zingo and Mia rolled right over and just grabbed it and the tiles went everywhere. Allie was so pissed. I have a feeling I will be in deep doo doo soon. Allie is my child who likes everything just so. Mia is going to be the tornado and Allie will not know what hit her. They already had a tug of war over a doll and I thought Allie would fling Mia across the room. Mia held her ground and honestly thought she would pull Allie. I think Mia is going to be like Anna in that sense.  My day is coming.


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