so after 2 years of back and forth by the doctors, today the decision was made that his circ was not done properly. not enough skin was taken off. as a result, we can either leave him as is (which is sort of in between circ'd and uncirc'd) or have it repaired.
we have decided to have it repaired. it requires general anesthetic, but it's less than 30 minutes start to finish and they say he'll be feeling normal again in about 48ish hours.
they'll call us in the morning to schedule. i hope it's this month so we don't have to take time off work for this later in the year.
i hate that he has to go through this again but at least he is young and will most likely not remember.
i wish i knew why owen's doctor is not concerned about his at all. his words yesterday were that he just has a bit of extra foreskin and he will continue to grow into it. poor kid and his elephant trunk.
what are they doing just snipping back a little more skin?
You know, the same thing happened to my nephew! i think she was going to have it repaired, but then he got sick and they couldn't...IDK if they ever actually did it.
I think having it repaired is a good decision, and I hope it goes smoothly. When will you find out about dates for the repair?
the scheduler is supposed to call me tomorrow morning. i'll post an update when i know more.
sara, he told me that they push back on the fatty pad around the penis and see how the skin pulls back. based on the fact that (in his opinion) jake has very little baby fat left and not much fatty pad left, yet the foreskin doesn't pull back from the tip of the penis, that there is too much skin left.
i'm really worried about him not looking different from everyone else (not circ'd and not uncirc'd) so i just want to get it done and over with.
i'm worried about him healing b/c he's potty trained - i mean i hope he's not reluctant to go b/c of the wound. i may have to hve him in a pull-up for a few days i guess.
and with how stubborn he is, i'm going to do EVERYTHING i can to get him a first thing in the morning surgery appt - i cannot imagine holding him back from milk and food in the morning!
i'll update tomorrow after i hear from the surgery scheduler and lyk when we're scheduled.
I hope the whole thing isn't too stressful, April. poor little guy.
i hope they get you a first thing in the morning appointment. it isn't an emergency is it? you should be able to wait for a good appointment if so, right?
I hope the whole thing isn't too stressful, April. poor little guy.
i hope they get you a first thing in the morning appointment. it isn't an emergency is it? you should be able to wait for a good appointment if so, right?
yeah, that's what i'm hoping. i'll probably call them after the gym if they haven't already called here. i just want to get in this month so he can recover before we go back to our school schedule.
I think Carter's is weird too. He still has some foreskin (I think) that I have to pull back to clean under. Not at all like Braydon's. My OB did Braydon's while the Pedi (not ours) did Carter's. Guess it pays to wait for the surgeon!!
Hey April! I haven't been around much so am just now trying to get updated on the happenings around here. I had no idea that you were going thru these issues w/Jake. However, just so you know we did not have David circumcised until he was 13 months old, and at the time he also required the general anesthesia. Just wanted to offer hugs. He will surely not remember this and although he will go thru some discomfort, he will recover quickily and never remember this.
Alexandra ~ Mommy to David (7 years), Natalie (5 years) and Diego (3 years) ~
He is so lucky to have you looking out for him. I can imagine how hard it might be for him in Jr high and HS if he is *different*- kids can be so mean.
I will be praying all goes well and he has a super speedy recovery with no potty training fallout issues.
Oh no, poor Jake! It if helps April, we do these at the surgery center I work at all the time. The kiddos do great! (The adults not so much!). Let me know if you have questions or if I can help in any way.
we're scheduled for sept 3rd. it sucks b/c i'm already back to work, but it's a work day (no students), so it's manageable. plus, i am off the friday and monday after that for labor day so lots of time for him to heal.
they have us on the wait list for august 24th in case of a cancellation. i'll keep my fingers crossed for that.
Ugh April. I'm sorry Jake and you have to go through this. I hope we don't find ourselves in the same boat in the future, Kent is still convinced something isn't right with Bryson's but our pedi keeps saying it's fine. I honestly have no clue. He has his 15 month visit next week and maybe i'll inquire again. Anyhow I hope everything goes well and Jake does just fine.